You won’t always need a powered tool to do the job, some tasks just require some muscle power and a quality hand tool. We have a selection of great value hand tools for all kinds of trimming, cutting, chopping and sawing tasks.
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Stihl Battery System
Recommended Battery
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Water Blaster Max Water Flow Rate (litre/min)
Water Blaster Max PSI
Chainsaw Standard Bar
Line Trimmer / Brushcutter Vegetation
Line Trimmer / Brushcutter Handle Type
Line Trimmer / Brushcutter Supplied Harness
Lawnmower Cutting Height (mm)
Lawnmower Cutting Width
Lawnmower Self Propelled
Lawnmower Housing
Lawnmower Mulch Function
Hand Tools
The precision and innovation of STIHL power tools are also reflected in our diverse range of hand tools. No matter what the gardening task is, the durability, sturdiness and solid build of STIHL hand tools will get your gardening jobs done with ease.